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Microblading Shading Fusion NanoBrows

Am I a candidate?We offer all permanent makeup services for all skin types. Everyone can fall into one of our 4 types of permanent brows. It all depends on skin type: oily, dry or combination skin. The more oils you produce the more faded your eyebrows will heal. Below are some medical conditions and medications that prevent you from achieving the best results or from receiving the service. For any previous permanent makeup from another artist please text 239-896-0799 with a photo of your eyebrows to see if you are a candidate.​ Number provided is Gera's personal number please be considerate when texting or calling during business hours. ​ Pregnant or breastfeeding Tendency to Keloid Blood Thinning Medication Accutane for at least 1 year (no exceptions) Retin-A for 1 month Acidic toners or serums 1 week prior Type 1 Diabetes Sun Exposure for 10 days Skin lightening products such as Hydroquinone for 4 weeks prior If you are currently under medications or certain conditions listed above, it does not mean you cannot receive the service. But it will prevent you from achieving the best results. If you are unsure whether or not you are able to receive permanent makeup please contact us at 239-896-0799 via text with any concerns.
What should I do before my appointment?Discontinue all Retin-A, retinol, acidic serums and toners at least a week before. Stop using Retin-A 6 months prior. Coffee is okay in the morning or any days prior. These tips help your skin from becoming too sensitive and minimize any bleeding. Bleeding will cause less pigment to penetrate the skin during the session therefore it is advised to not take blood-thinning medications and alcohol prior to your appointment. It is helpful to have your eyebrows filled in or have some selfies on hand the day of your appointment. If you do not fill in your eyebrows have photos of eyebrows you do like. Anything you can bring to achieve the best eyebrows will help the artist.
What is the cost and what does the service include?PMU brows ranges from $350 to $700 depending on desired results and service. This includes the initial session and a touch up (4-6 weeks after the initial session). To ensure your appointment, we ask for a non-refundable $75 deposit ​which will go towards your service. When you book online our system will automatically ask for a card once we see you have set up a profile and booked your appointment, we take the deposit through our end and send a receipt to the email you provided.
Is it painful?Topical numbing cream is applied two to three times throughout the procedure for a painless experience. On a scale of 0-10, clients have described the pain to be a 0 to 3, 10 being the most painful.
What brow tattoo service is the best for me?Everyone is a candidate for permanent eyebrows anyone can fall into one of our 4 different types of permanent brows. We suggest to come open minded since there is many misconceptions on being a candidate for certain brows. The artist will help you determine what will last the longest and give you your desired results based on your lifestyle. For Microblading, you must have smaller pores around the T-zone, great elasticity, and actual hair to be a candidate. It doesn't necessarily mean because you are oily you cannot receive microblading. We have had clients who are oily with smaller pores who can have microblading and we have had clients who are dry skin with larger pores that cannot receive microblading. It gets a bit tricky knowing what is best. This is why the technician will help find the best service for beautiful results for months to come. Nano brows is a new technique that recently hit the market, if you are not a candidate for microblading, then you will be for nano brows. Nano brows has the same results as microblading, hair-like strokes, but done differently. Microblading is done with a hand held blade, while nano brows is done with a tattoo gun, still appearing natural. Great for all skin types including mature skin and larger pores. Shading brows are powdered like brows done with a tattoo gun. They can heal natural, lightly powdered in or a bit bolder, depending on preference. This should not look like old school tattooed eyebrows, shading brows can still appear very natural looking. Great for all skin types. Fusion brows is our best of both worlds a mixture of micro & shading. You can have a few hair strokes in the front of the brows or through out the entire brow. Shading can be added in those very sparse areas, the bottom base, tails, or the entire brow. It all depends the look you are going for. Best of both worlds! This is service is great for all skin types except mature skin. Once you are in the chair a full consultation will be preformed it can be a bit difficult to know which one is the best. The artist will help and ask questions to pin point the right service for you. Colors are also displayed on the wall to help you understand the different undertones and pigments. Keep an open mind the day of.
Can I chose my own shape and color?We book enough time to have a full consultation the day of your scheduled appointment. Both client and artist work together to achieve the perfect brows that compliments both facial structure and personal style. Consultations aren't typically booked, but you may book a less invasive service to start your eyebrow journey. We offer many services such as a Brow shaping (eyebrow wax) to Laminations a service that lays down the hair mimicking Microblading for 6-8 weeks. For more information on Lamination or other services click on the Brow & waxing tab. You also may send photos of your eyebrows in broad daylight in front of a window, no eyebrow makeup, and no flash to 239-896-0799 for a consultation. For color matching, certain colors are recommended due to pigment change during healing process. The color for the first few days will not be the color it will fade to. The artist will help you determine a good color that compliments your skin tone, brightening you up. Many questions will be asked to determine this such as what color is your current eyebrow pencil. Have that color name handy. *Please bring in brow makeup or have eyebrows filled in the day of procedure. Desired eyebrow photos from google is well accepted if you do not fill in your eyebrows.
What should I be aware after my service?Your brows will appear darker than expected for the first week. Be prepared to keep out of the sun and avoid sweating for at least 1 week. Our aftercare involves washing 3-4 times a day for one week and applying the given ointment for 10 days. It is best to receive the service at least 3 weeks before or after any planned trips. It is important to come back for your 4-6 week touch up (included) to perfect your brow pigment, shape, and have long lasting results. If your 2nd session is not within 4-6 weeks time frame, there will be a fee of $150 for the touch-up. Keep in mind, the full healing process is 4-6 weeks, therefore the fee will increase the longer you go without a touch-up because the pigment will be too light and lose it's shape.
How long does it last?Typically last 1-3 years however pigment can be affected by unprotected UV exposure, improper aftercare, and products that contain lightening, acidic based ingredients, vitamin E oil, and retinol. These products aid in collagen production which unfortunately heals the pigment inside the pores causing it to blur and fade quicker.
How often should I come in for a touch-up?After your 4-6 week touch-up, it is safe to come in for a touch up every 1 to 3 years depending on the type of permanent makeup. Touch-ups help refresh the pigment making it last longer. For some people a few touch-ups are recommended depending on the person's skin ability to hold the pigment. ​ Touch ups range from $100-$450 varying the amount of months from last touch up and how much the pigment has lightened over time. In very rare occasions full price may be charged due to needing two sessions if brows have significantly lost pigment and shape. Florida weather is not ideal for long-lasting brows because of humidity and hot temperatures. Some people regularly expose themselves to the sun and it is normal for these clients to come in yearly to refreshen their brows.
What should I do for long-lasting brows?First things first! Sunscreen SPF of 30 or higher! You should always make a habit of applying sunscreen even if you are not in the sun. Run whatever is leftover in your hands over your eyebrows for more months out of them. Go around your eyebrows if you are using any tea tree, Vitamin A, C, or E. or acidic serums as these lighteners and acids will lighten your eyebrows over time. For microblading: Stay away from retinol creams, even if you do not apply it on your eyebrows but you do on the rest of the face, your body is absorbing the Vitamin A and exfoliating the top layer of your skin (epidermis) making your eyebrows blur, and lighten. If retinol is an absolute must then shading would be best. Not microblading. Yearly touch ups are key to fresh brows.
Lip Blushing

Am I a candidate?We offer all permanent makeup services for all skin types. Everyone can fall into one of our 4 types of permanent brows. It all depends on skin type: oily, dry or combination skin. The more oils you produce the more faded your eyebrows will heal. Below are some medical conditions and medications that prevent you from achieving the best results or from receiving the service. For any previous permanent makeup from another artist please text 239-896-0799 with a photo of your eyebrows to see if you are a candidate.​ Number provided is Gera's personal number please be considerate when texting or calling during business hours. ​ Pregnant or breastfeeding Tendency to Keloid Blood Thinning Medication Accutane for at least 1 year (no exceptions) Retin-A for 1 month Acidic toners or serums 1 week prior Type 1 Diabetes Sun Exposure for 10 days Skin lightening products such as Hydroquinone for 4 weeks prior If you are currently under medications or certain conditions listed above, it does not mean you cannot receive the service. But it will prevent you from achieving the best results. If you are unsure whether or not you are able to receive permanent makeup please contact us at 239-896-0799 via text with any concerns.
What should I do before my appointment?Discontinue all Retin-A, retinol, acidic serums and toners at least a week before. Stop using Retin-A 6 months prior. Coffee is okay in the morning or any days prior. These tips help your skin from becoming too sensitive and minimize any bleeding. Bleeding will cause less pigment to penetrate the skin during the session therefore it is advised to not take blood-thinning medications and alcohol prior to your appointment. It is helpful to have your eyebrows filled in or have some selfies on hand the day of your appointment. If you do not fill in your eyebrows have photos of eyebrows you do like. Anything you can bring to achieve the best eyebrows will help the artist.
What is the cost and what does the service include?PMU brows ranges from $350 to $700 depending on desired results and service. This includes the initial session and a touch up (4-6 weeks after the initial session). To ensure your appointment, we ask for a non-refundable $75 deposit ​which will go towards your service. When you book online our system will automatically ask for a card once we see you have set up a profile and booked your appointment, we take the deposit through our end and send a receipt to the email you provided.
Is it painful?Topical numbing cream is applied two to three times throughout the procedure for a painless experience. On a scale of 0-10, clients have described the pain to be a 0 to 3, 10 being the most painful.
What brow tattoo service is the best for me?Everyone is a candidate for permanent eyebrows anyone can fall into one of our 4 different types of permanent brows. We suggest to come open minded since there is many misconceptions on being a candidate for certain brows. The artist will help you determine what will last the longest and give you your desired results based on your lifestyle. For Microblading, you must have smaller pores around the T-zone, great elasticity, and actual hair to be a candidate. It doesn't necessarily mean because you are oily you cannot receive microblading. We have had clients who are oily with smaller pores who can have microblading and we have had clients who are dry skin with larger pores that cannot receive microblading. It gets a bit tricky knowing what is best. This is why the technician will help find the best service for beautiful results for months to come. Nano brows is a new technique that recently hit the market, if you are not a candidate for microblading, then you will be for nano brows. Nano brows has the same results as microblading, hair-like strokes, but done differently. Microblading is done with a hand held blade, while nano brows is done with a tattoo gun, still appearing natural. Great for all skin types including mature skin and larger pores. Shading brows are powdered like brows done with a tattoo gun. They can heal natural, lightly powdered in or a bit bolder, depending on preference. This should not look like old school tattooed eyebrows, shading brows can still appear very natural looking. Great for all skin types. Fusion brows is our best of both worlds a mixture of micro & shading. You can have a few hair strokes in the front of the brows or through out the entire brow. Shading can be added in those very sparse areas, the bottom base, tails, or the entire brow. It all depends the look you are going for. Best of both worlds! This is service is great for all skin types except mature skin. Once you are in the chair a full consultation will be preformed it can be a bit difficult to know which one is the best. The artist will help and ask questions to pin point the right service for you. Colors are also displayed on the wall to help you understand the different undertones and pigments. Keep an open mind the day of.
Can I chose my own shape and color?We book enough time to have a full consultation the day of your scheduled appointment. Both client and artist work together to achieve the perfect brows that compliments both facial structure and personal style. Consultations aren't typically booked, but you may book a less invasive service to start your eyebrow journey. We offer many services such as a Brow shaping (eyebrow wax) to Laminations a service that lays down the hair mimicking Microblading for 6-8 weeks. For more information on Lamination or other services click on the Brow & waxing tab. You also may send photos of your eyebrows in broad daylight in front of a window, no eyebrow makeup, and no flash to 239-896-0799 for a consultation. For color matching, certain colors are recommended due to pigment change during healing process. The color for the first few days will not be the color it will fade to. The artist will help you determine a good color that compliments your skin tone, brightening you up. Many questions will be asked to determine this such as what color is your current eyebrow pencil. Have that color name handy. *Please bring in brow makeup or have eyebrows filled in the day of procedure. Desired eyebrow photos from google is well accepted if you do not fill in your eyebrows.
What should I be aware after my service?Your brows will appear darker than expected for the first week. Be prepared to keep out of the sun and avoid sweating for at least 1 week. Our aftercare involves washing 3-4 times a day for one week and applying the given ointment for 10 days. It is best to receive the service at least 3 weeks before or after any planned trips. It is important to come back for your 4-6 week touch up (included) to perfect your brow pigment, shape, and have long lasting results. If your 2nd session is not within 4-6 weeks time frame, there will be a fee of $150 for the touch-up. Keep in mind, the full healing process is 4-6 weeks, therefore the fee will increase the longer you go without a touch-up because the pigment will be too light and lose it's shape.
How long does it last?Typically last 1-3 years however pigment can be affected by unprotected UV exposure, improper aftercare, and products that contain lightening, acidic based ingredients, vitamin E oil, and retinol. These products aid in collagen production which unfortunately heals the pigment inside the pores causing it to blur and fade quicker.
How often should I come in for a touch-up?After your 4-6 week touch-up, it is safe to come in for a touch up every 1 to 3 years depending on the type of permanent makeup. Touch-ups help refresh the pigment making it last longer. For some people a few touch-ups are recommended depending on the person's skin ability to hold the pigment. ​ Touch ups range from $100-$450 varying the amount of months from last touch up and how much the pigment has lightened over time. In very rare occasions full price may be charged due to needing two sessions if brows have significantly lost pigment and shape. Florida weather is not ideal for long-lasting brows because of humidity and hot temperatures. Some people regularly expose themselves to the sun and it is normal for these clients to come in yearly to refreshen their brows.
What should I do for long-lasting brows?First things first! Sunscreen SPF of 30 or higher! You should always make a habit of applying sunscreen even if you are not in the sun. Run whatever is leftover in your hands over your eyebrows for more months out of them. Go around your eyebrows if you are using any tea tree, Vitamin A, C, or E. or acidic serums as these lighteners and acids will lighten your eyebrows over time. For microblading: Stay away from retinol creams, even if you do not apply it on your eyebrows but you do on the rest of the face, your body is absorbing the Vitamin A and exfoliating the top layer of your skin (epidermis) making your eyebrows blur, and lighten. If retinol is an absolute must then shading would be best. Not microblading. Yearly touch ups are key to fresh brows.

Am I a candidate?We offer all permanent makeup services for all skin types. Everyone can fall into one of our 4 types of permanent brows. It all depends on skin type: oily, dry or combination skin. The more oils you produce the more faded your eyebrows will heal. Below are some medical conditions and medications that prevent you from achieving the best results or from receiving the service. For any previous permanent makeup from another artist please text 239-896-0799 with a photo of your eyebrows to see if you are a candidate.​ Number provided is Gera's personal number please be considerate when texting or calling during business hours. ​ Pregnant or breastfeeding Tendency to Keloid Blood Thinning Medication Accutane for at least 1 year (no exceptions) Retin-A for 1 month Acidic toners or serums 1 week prior Type 1 Diabetes Sun Exposure for 10 days Skin lightening products such as Hydroquinone for 4 weeks prior If you are currently under medications or certain conditions listed above, it does not mean you cannot receive the service. But it will prevent you from achieving the best results. If you are unsure whether or not you are able to receive permanent makeup please contact us at 239-896-0799 via text with any concerns.
What should I do before my appointment?Discontinue all Retin-A, retinol, acidic serums and toners at least a week before. Stop using Retin-A 6 months prior. Coffee is okay in the morning or any days prior. These tips help your skin from becoming too sensitive and minimize any bleeding. Bleeding will cause less pigment to penetrate the skin during the session therefore it is advised to not take blood-thinning medications and alcohol prior to your appointment. It is helpful to have your eyebrows filled in or have some selfies on hand the day of your appointment. If you do not fill in your eyebrows have photos of eyebrows you do like. Anything you can bring to achieve the best eyebrows will help the artist.
What is the cost and what does the service include?PMU brows ranges from $350 to $700 depending on desired results and service. This includes the initial session and a touch up (4-6 weeks after the initial session). To ensure your appointment, we ask for a non-refundable $75 deposit ​which will go towards your service. When you book online our system will automatically ask for a card once we see you have set up a profile and booked your appointment, we take the deposit through our end and send a receipt to the email you provided.
Is it painful?Topical numbing cream is applied two to three times throughout the procedure for a painless experience. On a scale of 0-10, clients have described the pain to be a 0 to 3, 10 being the most painful.
What brow tattoo service is the best for me?Everyone is a candidate for permanent eyebrows anyone can fall into one of our 4 different types of permanent brows. We suggest to come open minded since there is many misconceptions on being a candidate for certain brows. The artist will help you determine what will last the longest and give you your desired results based on your lifestyle. For Microblading, you must have smaller pores around the T-zone, great elasticity, and actual hair to be a candidate. It doesn't necessarily mean because you are oily you cannot receive microblading. We have had clients who are oily with smaller pores who can have microblading and we have had clients who are dry skin with larger pores that cannot receive microblading. It gets a bit tricky knowing what is best. This is why the technician will help find the best service for beautiful results for months to come. Nano brows is a new technique that recently hit the market, if you are not a candidate for microblading, then you will be for nano brows. Nano brows has the same results as microblading, hair-like strokes, but done differently. Microblading is done with a hand held blade, while nano brows is done with a tattoo gun, still appearing natural. Great for all skin types including mature skin and larger pores. Shading brows are powdered like brows done with a tattoo gun. They can heal natural, lightly powdered in or a bit bolder, depending on preference. This should not look like old school tattooed eyebrows, shading brows can still appear very natural looking. Great for all skin types. Fusion brows is our best of both worlds a mixture of micro & shading. You can have a few hair strokes in the front of the brows or through out the entire brow. Shading can be added in those very sparse areas, the bottom base, tails, or the entire brow. It all depends the look you are going for. Best of both worlds! This is service is great for all skin types except mature skin. Once you are in the chair a full consultation will be preformed it can be a bit difficult to know which one is the best. The artist will help and ask questions to pin point the right service for you. Colors are also displayed on the wall to help you understand the different undertones and pigments. Keep an open mind the day of.
Can I chose my own shape and color?We book enough time to have a full consultation the day of your scheduled appointment. Both client and artist work together to achieve the perfect brows that compliments both facial structure and personal style. Consultations aren't typically booked, but you may book a less invasive service to start your eyebrow journey. We offer many services such as a Brow shaping (eyebrow wax) to Laminations a service that lays down the hair mimicking Microblading for 6-8 weeks. For more information on Lamination or other services click on the Brow & waxing tab. You also may send photos of your eyebrows in broad daylight in front of a window, no eyebrow makeup, and no flash to 239-896-0799 for a consultation. For color matching, certain colors are recommended due to pigment change during healing process. The color for the first few days will not be the color it will fade to. The artist will help you determine a good color that compliments your skin tone, brightening you up. Many questions will be asked to determine this such as what color is your current eyebrow pencil. Have that color name handy. *Please bring in brow makeup or have eyebrows filled in the day of procedure. Desired eyebrow photos from google is well accepted if you do not fill in your eyebrows.
What should I be aware after my service?Your brows will appear darker than expected for the first week. Be prepared to keep out of the sun and avoid sweating for at least 1 week. Our aftercare involves washing 3-4 times a day for one week and applying the given ointment for 10 days. It is best to receive the service at least 3 weeks before or after any planned trips. It is important to come back for your 4-6 week touch up (included) to perfect your brow pigment, shape, and have long lasting results. If your 2nd session is not within 4-6 weeks time frame, there will be a fee of $150 for the touch-up. Keep in mind, the full healing process is 4-6 weeks, therefore the fee will increase the longer you go without a touch-up because the pigment will be too light and lose it's shape.
How long does it last?Typically last 1-3 years however pigment can be affected by unprotected UV exposure, improper aftercare, and products that contain lightening, acidic based ingredients, vitamin E oil, and retinol. These products aid in collagen production which unfortunately heals the pigment inside the pores causing it to blur and fade quicker.
How often should I come in for a touch-up?After your 4-6 week touch-up, it is safe to come in for a touch up every 1 to 3 years depending on the type of permanent makeup. Touch-ups help refresh the pigment making it last longer. For some people a few touch-ups are recommended depending on the person's skin ability to hold the pigment. ​ Touch ups range from $100-$450 varying the amount of months from last touch up and how much the pigment has lightened over time. In very rare occasions full price may be charged due to needing two sessions if brows have significantly lost pigment and shape. Florida weather is not ideal for long-lasting brows because of humidity and hot temperatures. Some people regularly expose themselves to the sun and it is normal for these clients to come in yearly to refreshen their brows.
What should I do for long-lasting brows?First things first! Sunscreen SPF of 30 or higher! You should always make a habit of applying sunscreen even if you are not in the sun. Run whatever is leftover in your hands over your eyebrows for more months out of them. Go around your eyebrows if you are using any tea tree, Vitamin A, C, or E. or acidic serums as these lighteners and acids will lighten your eyebrows over time. For microblading: Stay away from retinol creams, even if you do not apply it on your eyebrows but you do on the rest of the face, your body is absorbing the Vitamin A and exfoliating the top layer of your skin (epidermis) making your eyebrows blur, and lighten. If retinol is an absolute must then shading would be best. Not microblading. Yearly touch ups are key to fresh brows.
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